Monday, January 03, 2011

Mike Adams: "Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind?"

American communities are not what they used to be. Today’s college graduate changes jobs about a dozen times in his career. Since he changes jobs every few years he usually finds himself moving every few years. And since he figures he won’t be with his neighbors for long he seldom takes the time to get to know them.

It wasn’t that way when my family moved to Fort Worth in 1966. Four different welcoming committees came to visit from four different churches - all asking whether we had found a church home. Our first batch of mail was hand-delivered by the postman. When he rang the doorbell he introduced himself and asked “Have you found a church home yet?”

We eventually found a church but it was not the home of any of the four groups that came to visit. They must have all written off their visits as losses. But that was far from the truth. In fact, my mother was so moved by their hospitality that she began regular church visitation as soon as she joined a church. She kept doing so after we moved to Houston.

You really must read it all.

Adams' closing paragraph is the stuff sermons are made of:

"We can’t change the world overnight. But we can change our neighborhoods today. The Recipe has been around for ages. We just have to keep sharing it with others."


1 comment:

Jill said...

I like! The Ft. Worth reference in the beginning of his story caught my eye, seeing as how I'm less than 30 minutes from Cowtown, but the rest was a great illustrated lesson and reminder about being a good neighbor. Thanks for sharing the link, Dean Munday! :)