Monday, March 09, 2009

[Off-topic] Presidential Double-Talk

Barack Obama has been in office fewer than 100 days. Wall Street is running scared from his tax-and-spend economic policies, and consumer confidence is at an all-time low.

Now from Newsweek comes this stinging indictment of the "Yes-we-can!" president who, it seems, is out to insure that the US becomes "the-Nation-that-can-no-longer-afford-to."

The amazing thing is that this article wasn't written by Rush Limbaugh, it comes from Newsweek--one of the mainstream media cheerleaders that helped get Obama elected.

Here's a two paragraph sample:
A prudent president would have made a "tough choice"— concentrated on the economy, deferred his more contentious agenda. Similarly, Obama claims to seek bipartisanship but, in reality, doesn't. His bipartisanship consists of sprinkling his cabinet with token Republicans and inviting some Republican members of Congress to the White House to watch the Super Bowl. It does not consist of fashioning proposals that would attract bipartisan support on their merits. Instead, he clings to dubious, partisan policies (mortgage cramdown, union checkoff) that arouse fierce opposition.

It is Obama's conceit—perhaps his cockiness—that he can ignore these blatant inconsistencies. Like many smart people, he believes he can talk his way around any problem. Perhaps he can. In this, he has an ally in much of the mainstream media, which seem so enthralled with him that they can't recognize glaring contradictions. During the campaign, Obama claimed he would change Washington's petty partisanship; he also advocated a highly partisan agenda. Both claims could not be true. The media barely noticed; the same obliviousness persists. But Obama still runs a risk: that his overworked rhetoric loses its power and boomerangs on him.

Kudos to columnist Robert J. Samuelson for telling it like it is.

Read it all here.

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