♪"Baby, baby why can't you sit still?
Who killed that bird out on your window sill?
Are you the reason that he broke his back?
Did I see you laugh about that?"♪
♪"I need a rem-e-dy
for what is a-ailin' me..."♪
A Visit From the Archbishop
Written by The Anglican Communion Institute
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
It is becoming obvious that the leadership of TEC means to move resolutely ahead with its mission of civil rights and inclusion, insisting that these are imperatives of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a kind of brand name for American Episcopalianism. (We leave to the side whether inclusion or civil rights are being honored or thwarted by this idea.)
In the light of the failure to respond positively to the communiqué of the Primates Meeting, the course being charted is becoming increasingly clear. Apparently the Archbishop of Canterbury is prepared to hear out the leadership of TEC on an alternative plan that will deal with the problems it has created for life in Communion. But the disconnect that will result could be palpable, not least because TEC leadership does not acknowledge that it has created a problem that requires any remedy of the kind an Instrument of Unity has recently urged, with urgency. It views the problem as 'conservatives' out of step with the enlightened views it holds. The recent reports of Presiding Bishop Schori's comments make this very clear indeed.
... [SNIP] ...
Efforts to delay or to seek another form of 'peace' can only be seen as yet another example of American unilateralism. There is nothing wrong, uncanonical, imperial, or otherwise with the communique's requests. The requests address with clarity and charity a problem that unilateralists in the Communion have created. There is no evidence that the Primates are seeking fresh alternatives to the communiqué they crafted, and Archbishop Rowan is going the extra mile to take the pulse up close. Sadly, the patient is not only quite ill, but in denial as well.
Read it all.
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